FREE EBOOK: The 20 Biggest Lessons in Our First year of Having an Art Business

We hope that this ebook can serve as a reference for you as you are going along in your own creative business.

When we first started our art business, ColorByFeliks, in 2017 we had no idea where it would take us and actually no clue what we were doing!

Fast forward to now, our (almost) 4th official year of our online art business and a community of millions of people around the world later, and our greatest hope is to pay our experiences forward to growing artists and creators like you.

These are some of the biggest “mistakes” (or lessons as we like to call them) that we made in our first year of having an online art business that we wish someone would have shared with us when we were first getting started.

Download the Free Ebook Below!

Download Your FREE Copy of Our 20 Biggest Lessons for Online Creators

Get firsthand access to the ins and outs of having a creative online business that no one else will tell you!

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